Arbor Newsletter for  September 2024

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  • Sunday

    8:15 AM Prayer Meeting - Social Hall

    9:00 AM Sunday School

    10:00 AM Worship Service - Worship Center

    3:30 PM Adult Choir Practice - Choir Room

    4:00 PM ESL Mission

    5:00 PM Youth Missions - Family Life Center

    5:00 PM Kids Jam - Family Life Center

    5:00 PM Bible Study - Worship Center


    6:30 PM Young Adult Bible Study - Social Hall


    5:30 PM Kids Choir - Choir Room

    6:30 PM RA's - Children's Department

    6:30 PM GA's - Children's Department

    6:30 PM Mission Friends - Children's Department

    6:30 PM Youth Bible Study - Children's Department

    6:30 PM ESL Mission - Social Hall

    6:30 PM Women's Bible Study - Family Life Center

    6:30 PM Men's Bible Study

  • We had a good start to the school year. The children’s back to school bash was great. We had a good crowd for the ice cream social and movie night. The overall attendance for August was good. We are now back on our regular schedule. I hope you are making plans to join us. Senor Elite Sunday is coming up in September. This is always one of our favorite recognition services.

    We are also looking to do some remodeling in the coming months. I am excited about this. We will keep you updated. Our English as a second language needs a few

    volunteers. This has been a wonderful ministry. Please see Connie Sexton if you feel led to help in this exciting ministry.

    Have a nice month and a nicer forever!      

  • Amber’s ABC Kids

    School is in full swing and so are we!! On Sunday nights at 5:00 we have Kids JAM in the FLC where we are diving into a series called Meals and Messages! Come ready to dig into God's word as we learn about trusting God's goodness through the bible. Wednesday nights are super fun too! Kids choir begins at 5:30 and Mission friends, RA's and GA's at 6:30.

    The Bible tells us repeatedly in His Word how all children are a gift from God. Every single life, every single child, is a reward and blessing. Whether they're bringing parents pride and joy, or whether they are teaching us how to be more patient and forgiving, children are a gift from God and a source for the growth of His Kingdom here

    on Earth!

    Important News

    September 8th- Nerf and Nachos in the FLC 4:30pm- 6pm

    *Bring your nerf gun and protective eye wear! Nerf darts will be


    October 31st- Trunk or Treat from 6pm-8pm

    Volunteers are needed to decorate trunks! Sign-up sheet will be in the foyer. 

    Candy donations would be greatly appreciated.

  • Fall is right around the corner which means a change in the season.  Temperatures will be milder, leaves will be falling, and some will begin soup season in their households.  In the bible, we are told that there is a season for everything under the sun in Ecclesiastes 3:1. Now is a great time to get our youth back involved in services, local events, and fellowship.  Please be in prayer for our program.  

    We will have Nerf and Nachos on Sept 8th at 4:30pm- 6pm. 

    We will join our community in the Youth Rally at New Prospect on Sept 14th at 5pm.

    We will be hosting a fellowship with Central Wesleyan Church youth Sept 15th at 5 pm.

    I am currently needing to see if any of our current youth would like to attend the Move Conference at Wild Adventures December 29-30th .  Please let me know by September 13th .

    Thank you for your continued support.

  • Ushers/Deacon of the Week for September

    Ushers/Deacon of the Week for September


    Sept 1 Matt Cleghorn, Brian Cobb, Jeff Kight, David Conger, Chris Wynn,

                Vince Yarbrough, John Clements, Jarrett Yarbrough,

                Blake Yarbrough, Matt Parker

                Deacon of the Week- David Conger


    Sept 8  Paul Henry, Adam Cobb, Ashley Pate, Bobby Cobb, Roy Bryan,

                 Randy Hughes, Jamie Passmore, Aiden Bryan, Ashton Bryan,

                 Jacob Bryan, Jacob Cobb

                 Deacon of the Week- Bobby Cobb


    Sept 15 Jeff Lewis, Walter Chaney, William McKinley, Brad King,

                  Kenny Ray Davis, Jr., Sammy Reynolds, Tracy Nipper,

                  Lee Cone, Johnny Davidson, Brady McIntyre

                  Deacon of the Week- Jeff Lewis


    Sept 22 Brian Hendley, Tracy Parker, Scott Hendley, Sammy Guy, Jim Clark,

                  Allen Conger, Jr., Dwight Huggins, Andy Pridgen, Wyatt Pridgen,

                  Kenneth Senn

                  Deacon of the Week- Sammy Guy


    Sept 29 Matt Cleghorn, Brian Cobb, Jeff Kight, David Conger, Chris Wynn,

                 Vince Yarbrough, John Clements, Jarrett Yarbrough,

                 Blake Yarbrough, Matt Parker

                 Deacon of the Week- Gary Smith

  • September Birthdays


    1st Charlie Polhamus

    2nd Deanna Pate

    3rd Walt Gordon

    4th Patrena Bryant

    5th Laurene Dale, Jerry Hardin

    6th Emmie Herring

    7th Virginia Spears, Jeff Kight, Jillian Davis

    8th Wilene Bryant, LaNora Conger

    9th David Hardin, Brad King

    10th Vianne Smith

    13th Tim Fussell

    14th Susan Henry

    15th Chloe Pate

    18th Jan Ussery, Tracy Nipper, Lilyann Passmore

    19th Kelly Singletary

    20th Caleb Ray

    21st W. L. Patterson, Chris Wynn

    23rd Molli Cleghorn

    24th Jeff Lewis, Marcia Whitley

    25th Rachel Wynn

    26th Paul Henry, Mallory Cobb

    29th Julian Yarbrough, Charles Young

    30th Andy Nipper

  • Peanut Butter & Jesus: We meet the 2nd Saturday of the month at 7:45 AM at Christian Fellowship International. 

    Backpack Blessing needs volunters to help pack backpacks. There is a signup sheet in the foyer or contact Paul or Susan Henry. 


    The Ladies of Hope Card Ministry needs your help with monetary donations or $10.00 gift cards to fast food restaurants. This ministry has grown immensely as cards are sent out monthly to college students and to military members. Gift cards can be given to Karen Clark. 

    It’s that time again!

    The Ladies of Hope are once again hosting the Clubhouse Guatemala Christmas Project for Arbor. We will be collecting supplies for students & teachers for their next school year. A collection box has been placed in the foyer for your donations & a needs list is on the table. Money is also helpful for shipping charges & tariffs. Please make your checks out to Arbor & one check will be cut at the end of the collection period. Last year we were able to make up 160 bags in conjunction with First Baptist Church. This year we would like to reach 200! If you have any questions, please contact Charlene Lankford at 229-425-9767. Thank you in advance for your donations!